Monday 22 September 2014

Ice Bucket Challenge Flashmob is Gathering Pace in Vitebsk

At the end of August, Vitebsk, the creative centre of Belarus, actively took up the Ice Bucket Challenge charity movement.

A number of Vitebsk residents have already taken part in Ice Bucket Challenge individually. However the "chilling" сampaign seems to attract companies even more. Sports teams and office employees can be seen outside with buckets of cold water with ice – thus the campaign takes the format of Flashmob.

Initially, the campaign involving dumping a bucket of cold water on someone's head was aimed at raising funds for the research of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, however by now it has become a more general purpose movement and now participants transfer money to any charity accounts, opened mostly in their home town or country.

The international relay-race is enthusiastically supported by Vitebsk companies working in the area of software development.

Cool autumn morning on 15th September, Innowise Group took up the challenge thrown out to us by another Vitebsk IT company:

Money collected by employees and managers of Innowise Group has been transferred to the charity account for treating a child from our city.

We challenge all our readers!

Join the Ice Bucket Challenge and bring a piece of your kindness to those who need it! 

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