Wednesday, 10 October 2018

Mixed Reality in medicine made simple

A few days ago, VOKA team held a training session on its MR medical system for our Marketing department. Everybody was enthusiastic about “seeing through” your patient’s skin experience. From now on they will all have a very special mission: to develop a campaign on revolutionizing medical education and surgery planning in the Republican Centre of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Before starting with quite an ambitious task VOKA team decided to find out how much time it would take for a person completely unfamiliar with HoloLens to learn the ropes.
First things first, our non-techies were given the system’s general overview and lectured on the software functionality. It was good news to hear that both surgeons knowing their art inside out and medical students or immature graduates will reap the benefits of the top-notch technology. Seasoned doctors will use Voka Standard version allowing to generate a 3D fracture model and position it onto the damage. Having it in place, a surgeon will fit bone fixators on it looking for a best one and mark incisions to access the fracture. Educational centers will find Voka Education a useful tool to teach anatomy and show the difference between 350 fracture types presented as a 3D anatomical atlas.

Listening to Voka Education explained, there was no need to “peek” into the project manager’s HoloLens, as everything was streamed onto the big screen. Being far from medicine, you could not help but remember and immerse into the medical content shown, as it was so visual and interactive. True miracle began with Voka Standard when you could make believe you were a surgeon about to cut open an injured leg. Everybody took a bone he liked and tried to scale it, rotate and move or joke around and let it hover over his friend's head. Voka team was delighted to see that 20 minutes was the longest time needed for the non-techies to grasp all the positioning techniques. In the end, no one left the class discouraged with app’s secret still locked away.
We literally fell in love with the company brainchild and do think the time has come for VOKA to reshape traditional education making it more visual and hands-on as well as give a helping hand to mature surgeons.

1 comment : said...

Virtual reality is used to educate patients about positive lifestyle choices, such as stopping smoking, moderate alcohol intake, healthy eating and exercise. There is an emphasis on educating people to make positive changes about their health which will reduce the risk of illnesses, many of which are preventative.

Mixed Reality Development

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